Boosting Innovation in Organic Fruit production through stronger networks
HortiAdvice deltager i et EU støttet projekt: BIOFRUITNET.
BIOFRUITNET projektet vil forsøge at fremme innovation i økologisk frugt produktion gennem et stærkt videns netværk. BIOFRUITNET projektets mål er at skabe et europæisk innovativt netværk, styrke eksisterende netværk og udvide vidensplatformen for økologiske producenter.
Se mere på BIOFRUITNET webside.
Projektets formål:
Focusing on organic pome, stone and citrus fruits, this projects aims to strengthen the competitiveness of European organic fruit production by:
- Collecting and synthesizing existing practical and scientific knowledge on organic fruit-growing to distribute it widely among the EU countries through easy formats like e-learning, podcasts, videos and short articles.
- Strengthening the established networks in organic fruit growing and establish links between them to create strong networks of organic fruit producers and stakeholders with a good flow of information.
The project started on November 2019, it will last 3 years and gathers 16 partners from 11 different countries.
- Pærer dominerer i Holland. Artikel af Annemarie Bisgaard. Gartner Tidende nr. 12 - 2020
- Bæredygtig æbledyrkning i Holland. Artikel af Annemarie Bisgaard. Gartner Tidende nr. 14 - 2020
- Seneste nyt om økologisk frugtdyrkning. Artikel af Hanne Lindhard, HortiAdvice. Gartner Tidende nr. 6 - 2022.
- Vidensdeling om økologisk frugtavl. Artikel af Hanne Lindhard, HortiAdvice. Gartner Tidende nr. 5 - 2023.
“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 862850”.
This document reflects the views of the author(s) and does not necessarily reflect the views or policy of the European Commission. Whilst efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this document, the European Commission shall not be liable for any errors or omissions, however caused.
Thomas S. Lund
Forsknings- og udviklingsdirektør